"Why was Pokemon Yellow controversial??"

"I loved how the 6th version used in The Simpsons Movie had Ralph Wiggum singing the theme while he was on the logo."

"Freddy Got Fingered and Juwanna Mann have got to be the worst movies I have ever seen in my life."

"Wanna bet that some of the long durations have filler?"

"You know, some of these movies were forgotten for a reason. And I loved The Secret of N.I.M.H., but I hated Dutch."

"Chronicle? Really? But it looks so annoying. However, I really liked Wreck-It Ralph, since I happen to be a gamer myself."

"My mom likes Toddlers and Tiaras for how cute some of the contestants are..."

"Voted because we both have a movie we want for NC to review. My list is shorter, but it's still do-able: http://www.listal.com/list/nostalgia-critic-wishlist-emilyj64"

"All I have in mind is Edward Scissorhands, which is in my top 10. Plus, I'm still a bit scared about seeing Inception."

"Voted because of The Room sequel. It could be a lot better than the abhorrent movie that some people were unfortunate enough to see (in my case, NC's review was enough)."

"My thoughts on 6 of these games: Kirby's Dream Land - Simple and straightforward, I must say. Kirby's Adventure - Fun and addictive; still holds up after 20 years. Kirby's Dream Land 2 - Better than "

"You forgot about Timmy's parents. They were just a married couple who want time to themselves while Vicky babysits. Now, Timmy's mom is an airhead who would use Timmy's college fund to buy things for "

"Here's a list of movies that I consider among the worst in chronological order that you should consider adding: The Wild Life, Howard The Duck, Dutch, A Troll in Central Park, Greedy, Big Bully, My B"

"Well, here's my two cents on what I think of Jumanji: http://www.listal.com/viewentry/4451393"

"Take my word for it: 2011 was generally not a good year for movies."

"Ferris Bueller aside, I never really liked Brat Pack films in general for some reason. Was it because I was born in the early 90's?"

"I don't blame Johnny Depp for being afraid of clowns. I mean, what's so great about clowns anyway? Also, would he be too afraid to go to McDonald's by himself? :\ For real? Nicole Kidman's afraid of "

"Cars might have been cliche, but I can understand why he would hate Avatar, Signs, District 9, and Moulin Rouge, because a minority of people hate Avatar, M. Night Shyamalan's character wasn't arreste"

"What about Kiki's Delivery Service? Or this?"

"I had no idea that Space Travesty was bad because I remember laughing at chunks of it. Then again, I don't remember much of this movie, so I'll take your word for it."

"I don't know; I think Angelina Jolie was better later on for the most part. I've never cared for Mark Wahlberg; there's something about him that makes me feel sick to my stomach. And 90's Lindsay Loha"