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South Park review

Posted : 11 years, 3 months ago on 21 November 2013 08:40 (A review of South Park)

There was a time that I liked South Park very much I started watching it in 2004 and only stuck around until how Kenny still manages to exist is explained.

This show stared out like a show similar to what MTV aired at the time (i.e. Beavis and Butt-Head), but cruder and with younger protagonists in mind. Surprisingly, this was big despite initial negative criticism. Popularity grew in the first 3 seasons plus a movie (which I didn't care for), but the highest point would have to be the 4th season, which had a good bit of my favorite episodes such as "The Tooth Fairy Tats" and "Trapper Keeper".

Unfortunately, the road to jumping the shark was paved with good intentions. First, Kenny died for a year in an otherwise, well-done dramatic episode, then the 6th season onwards spends every other episode making the protagonists punching bags for everyone else (especially newbie Butters, who constantly gets grounded), then Wendy breaks up with Stan in the 7th season and they didn't get back together until 4 years later (although some fans would be okay with that), then season 9 has Mr. Garrison becoming a transvestite (which thankfully lasted 3 years), and then came the Scientology incident which not only have Isaac Hayes leave the show with a heavy heart, but also have Chef killed off the next season (you could've hired Kevin Michael Richardson or something, Trey and Matt?). Not to mention, the show became a dramedy, which wouldn't normally be a bad thing, but South Park isn't supposed to be dramatic, or at least constantly (I'm not kidding). The only silver lining would have to be the Imaginationland trilogy, but... it's not a top 10 contender in my opinion because Kyle, my favorite character, gets bashed, and on the flipside, Butters, my second favorite, is the protagonist for this 3-parter, so... a positive mixed-bag?

It took until season 13 for the show to be wacky again, but it was only for that season. The good thing about this season was Mysterion, a shady hero who protects the town and is the rival to The Coon, Cartman's "heroic" alter-ego. Mysterion was so popular that he returned for a 3-parter in the following season, which should be called "The Coon Trilogy". I really wish that the show ended on that 3-parter because everything about it was perfect. It even tells us that Mysterion was Kenny all along, and he never even died because he was immortal.

But the show is still running, and almost everything after the Coon trilogy is mediocre at best and god-awful at worst, and I've pretty much stopped watching it nowadays. My final score is based around the positive points I've made.

My rating: 7/10

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Kirby's Dream Land review

Posted : 11 years, 3 months ago on 21 November 2013 08:39 (A review of Kirby's Dream Land)

The game that started it all, Kirby's Dream Land was a simple, straightforward platformer, which was intended, by the way. It's full of hilarious moments, especially in Bubbly Clouds with those weird things with their tongues sticking out that randomly fall out of the sky. Like I said, a simple, straightforward, and funny game that should be fondly remembered.

My rating: 7/10 (at least)

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Too Cute! review

Posted : 11 years, 8 months ago on 4 July 2013 01:23 (A review of Too Cute!)

Too Cute is the show for you if your internet can't get to LOLCats, or if you have no internet at all. This show focuses mainly on fluffy kittens and playful puppies in the first 10 weeks of their lives and they are the cutest things you will ever see. From Persians to Maine Coons, Labradors to Chow Chows, there will be plenty of cuteness to fill that hour you spend.

My rating: 8 (at least)/10

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Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem review

Posted : 11 years, 8 months ago on 24 June 2013 01:36 (A review of Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem)

What we have here is an overlooked gem of a movie. Not many people know that this movie exists, but they do remember "One More Time", the song that opens the movie. Rather than having dialogue tell the story, it is instead told through not only Daft Punk's songs, but through the actions made by the characters. It may be an hour long, but this may be the best hour of your life.

My rating: 8/10

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Pokémon Black Version 2 review

Posted : 11 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2013 06:58 (A review of Pokémon Black Version 2)

If you thought that the original Black and White were great, Black 2 and White 2 is even better. Also, Crobat, my personal favorite, returns to be caught before the Elite Four this time. But that's not all. Not only do the wonderful Musicals return, we also get treated to a new feature called Movies, which are special battles with movie props and actors' Pokemon. Is your heart getting warm yet?

My rating: 9/10

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Pokémon Black Version review

Posted : 11 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2013 06:55 (A review of Pokémon Black Version)

After a decade and a half of Pokemon, Game Freak finally manages to perfect the franchise with Pokemon Black and White. The scores in Famitsu even say it's perfect.

This time around, instead of a Japan-based region, you go to Isshu, or Unova, a region based off of New York, or at least the most notable parts of it. And just like in the Sinnoh games, you don't get to capture Pokemon to record their data.

To my surprise, this game is easier and smoother than previous games, so smooth that the game could take somewhere between a few days and 2 weeks to finish the main storyline. Congratulations, Game Freak; you've made a great game that is a guaranteed keeper!

My rating: 9/10

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A Troll in Central Park review

Posted : 11 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2013 05:56 (A review of A Troll in Central Park)

I remember the Thumbelina VHS tape advertising this movie, and I figured that I should watch it. BIGGEST. MISTAKE. OF MY CHILDHOOD. My eyes hurt. My ears tremble. But I love how the pansies are colored, and I do get nostalgic for "Absolutely Green". However, that barely makes up for the overly sugary mess that it is.

My rating: 3/10

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Thumbelina review

Posted : 11 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2013 05:53 (A review of Thumbelina)

From memory, I believe that Thumbelina was the first Don Bluth film I've ever watched. It's not great, but once in a while, I would feel like watching it again for nostalgia's sake, but I didn't because it's too strange, even though the original story is bizarre. On the other hand, the colors look really tasteful, especially with the storybook illustrations.

My rating: 6/10

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Action 52 review

Posted : 11 years, 9 months ago on 8 June 2013 03:10 (A review of Action 52)

I know that this is a pretty bad game, but after seeing the Angry Video Game Nerd review of it, I felt compelled to know what Alfredo and Jigsaw were like, so I played it on the Nestopia emulator, which, frankly, is better to play on than a regular NES. Some of these games are enjoyable, but others... yeah, they suck rotten spaghetti noodles. Unless you want to play Cheetahmen, keep your distance away from this game.

My rating: 4/10

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Will you flip for this?

Posted : 11 years, 9 months ago on 5 June 2013 03:20 (A review of Super Paper Mario)

Remember when the first 2 Paper Mario games were RPGs? Super Paper Mario makes the battle system a lot simpler this time, but despite a better battle system, this game isn't as good as the previous installments.

This time, not only is Mario playable, but once again, Peach and Bowser, and eventually, Luigi, are playable, and each of them have special powers to progress through the game. Mario can flip into 3-D, Peach can use her parasol to float, Bowser has his fire breath, and Luigi can reach high places.

This game is basically the Paper Mario equivalent of MOTHER 3, but with emphasis on terror rather than somberness, even though there are tragic back-stories for a few new characters. Speaking of which, some of these new characters that travel with you are Pixls. Aside from Tippi, the Pixls have no personality whatsoever and aren't memorable like the allies from the previous games.

If you liked the first 2 Paper Mario games, then... do whatever you want.

My rating: 8/10

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